This system mainly includes the following parts:
1. Automatic feeding and pre-drying system for wet wood shavings
2. Fuel storage, metering, and injection system
3. Furnace system
4. Flue gas system
5. Heat transfer hot oil system
6. Ash collection system
7. Electrical automation control
8. Flue gas treatment and secondary utilization system at the drying outlet
9. Data exchange system with other sections such as main line gluing
Main fuel: waste wood, bark, sawdust, plant straw, sanding powder, purchased wood and other biomass fuels
Function: Provide heat for drying, hot pressing and glue making in the process
Main components: fuel preparation system, combustion system, smoke and wind system, heat transfer oil system, steam automatic control system, dust removal and slag removal system, fully automatic control system
Advantages:>The furnace uses waste wood, combustible waste in the process of board processing, sanding powder, etc. as the main fuel, saving fuel costs and low carbon emissions;
>Centralized control, providing steam, heat transfer oil, high-temperature clean flue gas at the same time, with a high degree of automation;
>Reducing operating costs, improving thermal energy utilization, and saving energy and reducing consumption by about 50% compared with traditional heating systems.
